By Jim Abel
January 19, 2022
The South Carolina Battleground Preservation Trust and the American Battlefield Trust have joined forces to purchase 51 acres of the Battlefield that surround the original two-acre Lancaster County Park. This action was motivated by two events: the 250th anniversary of the Revolutionary War, and recognition by the ABT that the battles in South Carolina were critical to winning the War. In addition, the SCBPT plans to create a driving Liberty Trail to tie the accounts of the many South Carolina battlefield sites together and increase tourism in the State. The added 51 acres have been placed in a conservation easement with the Katawba Valley Land Trust (KVLT). The goal of the ABT, SCBPT and the Friends organization is to amplify and improve the interpretation of the battle fought here and clarify its relevance to other battles fought in South Carolina by making the battlefield an outdoor classroom. Added ground signage and technology, including a mobile tour will be implemented. And walking trails will be developed to increase the recreation amenities of the battlefield. The graphic shown here identifies the added 51 acres surrounded in red, and the original 2-acre county park. Note the area's close connection to the Buford Recreation Center.